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Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma's Food for Kids Match Continues through September

(OKLAHOMA CITY) – Aug 23, 2021 - The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma's Food for Kids Programs are an important lifeline to the one in four Oklahoma children who are food insecure. Through Sept. 30, every donation to the Regional Food Bank's Food for Kids Programs is matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $224,000 thanks to the Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma, Dolese Bros. Co., New York Life, Marathon Oil, Mark and Beth Brewer, David Gorham and David and Lezlie Hudiburg.

"Now more than ever, it is important that we support work like the Regional Food Bank's Food for Kids Programs to help provide meals to the next generation of Oklahomans," said Kermit Frank, director of communications and community relations at Dolese Bros. "We are proud to partner with the Regional Food Bank to support the communities where our employees live and work."

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Regional Food Bank’s Food for Kids Programs have worked to find innovative and safe ways to meet a rising demand for food assistance. In the last school year, the Food for Kids Programs provided meals and snacks to 36,995 chronically hungry children. The Food for Kids Programs are the Backpack Program, the School Pantry Program, the Summer Feeding Program and Kids Cafés.

“We are very proud of the reach of our Food for Kids Programs. With the help of our donors we are able to expand that reach and provide assistance to more and more Oklahoma children,” said Stacy Dykstra, chief executive officer of the Regional Food Bank. "I urge all Oklahomans to take advantage of the Food for Kids Match and double your impact in the fight against childhood hunger."

The Backpack Program provides kid-friendly, nutritious food to elementary school children who have been identified by school staff as being food insecure. The School Pantry Program provides chronically hungry middle and high school students with food to sustain them after school and over weekends.

The Summer Feeding Program provides free meals and snacks to children up to the age of 18 throughout the summer months when school is not in session. Kids Cafés are afterschool and school breaks programs that provide meals and snacks as well as tutoring and mentor services to children. Children like Hannah, who visits the Kids Café at the Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club of Shawnee after school each day. Hannah receives both a snack and dinner while at the Kids Café.

"Some of the meals here are my favorite meals I eat," Hannah said.

Make a donation today by visiting or by calling 405-600-3136.

About the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma
The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma is leading the fight against hunger in 53 counties in central and western Oklahoma and envisions a state where no one goes hungry. Founded in 1980, the Regional Food Bank is the state’s largest domestic hunger-relief 501(c)(3) nonprofit that distributes food through a network of community- based partner agencies and schools. The majority of people served by the Regional Food Bank are chronically hungry children, seniors living on fixed incomes and hardworking families struggling to make ends meet. The Regional Food Bank is a member of Feeding America, the nation’s network of food banks. To join the fight to end hunger, visit


Cathy Nestlen    Austin Prickett
Director of Communications and Marketing     Marketing Manager
Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma     Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma 
O: 405-604-7115 C: 405-850-5425    O: 405-604-7113 C: 405-426-0984